Archive for July, 2020

Gymnasts I miss who should/would have been competing at the Olympics right now

July 31, 2020

Mai Murakami on floor

Kohei Uchimura on EVERYTHING (Save the 2021 Olympics for me would you Kohei 🙂

Simone Biles on Vault, only.

THAT’S IT. This is literally the only watchable thing I can come up with. I guess we could add, Aliya Mustafina, proving everybody wrong and Riley McCusker UB training videos she never duplicates in competition but that is literally it.

What do you miss?

Yeah, I needed a blog and have been searching for something to post about and this is all I could come up with that didn’t take much thinking.

LITERALLY, the funniest thing, ANYONE has EVER posted on “The instagram”

July 27, 2020

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Kindness brought to you by Nastia Liukin , Alicia Sacramone and Sam Peszek. All we are missing is Shayla Worley. LMAO

Build up others .lol

I needed this. I really did. LMAO.

Thanks to Lauren for sending me these. Too funny

Gymnastea presents- July Upgrades. Mag 7 Anniversary

July 23, 2020

My thoughts..

I wish Riley McCusker’s bars routines look as beautiful in competition as they do in her practices. I mean she really stands out in practice but when it’s a competition it looks nothing like this… Hernandez looks no better to me than she did 5 months ago. Though I do like having her in this because she seems happy and genuine… And Leanne Wong is my pick for surprise Olympic team member everyone has forgotten about…

My girl Lilly Lipeatt is having surgery. Looks like the hand. Get well soon, nice , unaffected, child who acts like a child.. Lilly I could still follow on Instagram if I had one..

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If I am this bored with Gymnastics imagine how board the gymnasts are.

Romanian Gymnastics back to work. July 11th 2020

July 12, 2020

GYMTEA put up the Instagram video of Iordache all in one place.

I prefer THE OC and for those bugging me (You know who you are , Twin A, Twin B and the only child) to watch Teen Wolf. You’re next.

Life advice from Sierra Sapunar and real-live Comebacks with real live skills ON REAL EQUIPMENT (No punctuation needed)

July 7, 2020

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And Larisa Iordache showing real potential which means real live comebacks do exist Thanks Rocio

Oh and those who don’t know Sierra Sapunar was a gymnast. She lives the life all of us want in Vegas. She looks like a super model so it’s easy for her to follow her advice where us mere mortals understand that being happy is like finding a a freaking Leprechaun or watching a youtube video without 2 freaking commercials.

This attitude and dialect was brought to you from me, GTT, because I have spent the last few weeks watching Seth and Summer videos (from the OC) (awwwwwwww) WAITING FOR BASEBALL TO START.

And Michelle Kwan turned 40. As in ten years away from a half a Century. WTF?

I wanna be happy about something

July 3, 2020

Dear, Abby..
It’s G.T.T…AKA, Jenn… I don’t remember how to format a letter. I think we were taught it in school but haven’t been there in a looooooong time. The only thing I remember about writing a letter is you are supposed to indent. I think. Like I said it’s been awhile.. Soooo….

I wanna be happy about something. Obsessing over the past has been a recent personal issue of mine and the last time you readers showed up in droves was when I sounded like a teenager sick of life so I thought I would do it again:)

So here we go.. The last time I was happy about something.. Truly happy. The gymnastics edition.. The Olympic trials…..


So I was trying to come up with the last time I was truly excited about watching Gymnastics. Like the last moment that made me smile when seeing a result of a gymnastics competition. The Olympic trials edition..

To be honest, it was when Gabby choked trials but they still put her on the team so I couldn’t use that….. Then there was Nastia choking trials.. That was fun but it’s Nastia so, NO…. So the very last time I was truly freaking ecstatic about an Olympic trials results was waaaaaaaay back in 2008. I know right? The year of the WORST OLYMPICS EVER! How could anything be positive about that, right?

Well, before she sold those of us out that tried to petition her onto an Olympic team. Before she decided to bring back her nickname of, Chellsie ******* Memmel she was just “titled” always injured at the worst possible time, Chellsie Memmel… And she was BAMBF!!!! (Not a word but it’s 2.30 AM and I’m trying to, “positive reminisce” so…)

I feel like this is my ‘go to” moment when I need blog idea’s that don’t need thinking…

Day 2
Day 1
(Vault) (Bars) (Beam) (Floor)
P.s.If I messed these up go to youtube and find them yourself ..

And the best Olympic Trials moment ever!!!! The night Chellsie “*******” Memmel kicked ass and ruined Marta’s fuckery, forcing her to stand up and give a standing Ovation to the gymnast she never wanted on the team in the first place… Boo ya! At least you had that moment Memmel. Damn those injuries..

Back to personal regrets, over thinking and wondering what the hell I am doing up at 3 am, blogging.