Time to learn a life lesson Simone Biles. What happens on the internet stays on the internet.

I was going to stay out of this but what the hell. This blog hasn’t publicized a feud since Nastia, Shayla Worley and Sam Peszek belittled Shawn Johnson on facebook so why the hell not.

The number one lesson of the internet is , just because you delete a tweet doesn’t mean it no longer exists.

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Simone claims this tweet means people should be directing their displeasure at Morgan Hurd for starting the alleged hate but it also could be taken as you telling your followers to go after her. Which is exactly how some people took it.

It doesn’t really matter who started this little teenage drama currently going on during the “Secret Classic” of our lives, what matters is you making it public.

You’re 21 years old Simone. Someone ALLEGEDLY called you a bitch. Jade Carey allegedly told you about it ( What the hell is a finstagram?) You know what you do when a jealous 16 year old bad mouths you in a private group meant only for her friends? You do what you did on the floor last night. You take her ass to Church on the competition floor.

And can we talk about Ashton Locklear putting herself in the middle of all this? Liking tweets that call, Morgan names? This type of drama didn’t seem to happen to Simone until, Ashton came along and considering the rumor she was kicked out of her last gym for bullying, no one should be surprised

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Lets not forget, Morgan in all of this. She may be 16 but she shouldn’t be calling people names. At least she was smart enough to keep it all in house. This is why, my issue with all of this rests solely at Simone Biles feet. She took it public. The only reason we even know this story is she wanted some type of validation from her 1.04 million twitter followers. Simone also decided to skip hugging Morgan on the podium which helped spread the speculation.

Here is another deleted tweet by Simone. To me this sounds like she wants to keep this entire daytime drama going.

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Sounds to me like you’re doing your own version of bullying, Simone. It clearly isn’t that much of an issue if you’re laughing about it.

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And we thought Simone coming back and winning everything was going to be boring:)

P.S.- For anyone in 5 years looking for the skinny on what happened. Check the comment section of the previous blog. All the info is there πŸ™‚

AND LAST MINUTE INFO ABOUT , The secret Classic of our lives, drama….

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The triple Twist twins give us the real scoop…..

( Thanks Hermione:)

Taylor has a song for everything. This proves it πŸ™‚

80 Responses to “Time to learn a life lesson Simone Biles. What happens on the internet stays on the internet.”

  1. sanitynmotion Says:

    Ugh. This is why I never want my kids on social media. Ever.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      That’s what you say now πŸ™‚ My nieces are pre-teen and they bugged their mother forever. She wouldn’t let them Then I let them sign up for a youtube channel when they were at my house.lol and now they want more. They can’t show their faces but their friends can.

      • sanitynmotion Says:

        Lol bad Auntie. No my kids aren’t getting phones until absolutely necessary and they have to keep grades up to get them. And they will be locked.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      How old is your daughter now ?

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      I think people put a lot of blame on social media and I don’t fully agree with it, because I view them as a tool, nothing more. They are not intrinsecally good, or bad, but they are positive or negative depending of who uses them and for what. When (more likely, if) I have kids, I would like for them to learn to use them safely and resposably for a very young age, so they can see them as an useful tools that can pose a huge problem if they are not used well and they can recognize the jerks, the assholes, the creeps and the scammers who are there from the start. Under my supervision and control, of course. I will be able to teach better a 8 year old child than a teenager who, like all of us did, think he or she knows better than his/her parents. Also, they will be digital natives who will use Internet and digital tools in their everyday lives and I think it would be detrimental for their development to take away the tools they are going to use in they every day lives very soon and keep they from learning about it naturally. I think that education about a worlds that is a larger and larger aspect of society would be a better approach. I do think that some drama like what happened with Simone and Morgan are due in large part to a misuse of social media or a misconception of the consequences the bad use of social media can have, like how your opinions can reach millions of people or messages can be taken out of context and wrongly interpretated without you being able to do anything to stop it. I think it would be good for children to be taught about social media from a young age, so they can see how many benefits they could pose for them, but also that its misuse has grave consequences, under the adequate supervision of an adult, than to wait for them to be teenagers, for the social media to have the “allure of the forbidden” and for them to be like lambs waiting for the wolves the very first time they use them when they have fifteen or sixteen and they are in their rebellious phase and won’t tell me shit.

  2. Cupquaked Says:

    So from my perusal of Twitter, Insta, and Reddit….

    Morgan was actually a lot more vocal about all of this for the few days leading up to the competition. Even going so far as to directly bad mouth Simone during podium training. To the point where Simone was apparently sobbing just 15 minutes before the competition started. What a welcome back to gymnastics, especially considering every that’s happened.

    I can totally understand that she’s upset that she’s not the face of USAG, all things considered but c’mon girl. You won on a technicality. MULTIPLE technicalities. And listen. I was a huge supporter of her when she won. She absolutely competed the best at that competition.

    But that’s the point.

    At *that* competition. Where 1/2 the competitive gymnasts got injured and pulled out. Where a ton of gymnasts didn’t even show because they were already injured, on a break, or retired. I asked my boyfriend if he knew who Bridget Sloan was…guess what the answer was? And she was an Olympian before she won in 2009…The deal is, the Worlds a year after the Olympics is not really considered a meaningful competition. It doesn’t even have the team aspect. Until recently, winning the AA there is great but no indicator of how you’ll perform for the next 4 years. In the 2012 quad, there was a different winner every year. Same thing for the 2008 quad. 2004 quad it was won by Khorkina but Patterson took home the gold in Athens.

    In all reality, you don’t want to win that year. But I digress.

    Morgan needs to learn what the rest of the world is already aware of: It’s Simone’s game. Everyone else is just there to watch.

    I’m sorry Morgan was born in a time where she’d have to compete against Simone. It sucks to have a dream and think it could come to fruition and find that there’s someone much better than you who isn’t going away. But a gracious competitor understands that you, realistically, can never consider yourself the best ever. There will always be someone, somewhere who is better than you.

    I majored in violin performance in college. I like to think I’m a pretty good musician. But I know that I am average in the world of classical music. And honestly, there’s probably more musicians who are better than me than who are not. That doesn’t mean that I go out and call Hilary Hahn a bitch for being so dang perfect. It means I fangirl when I meet her and accidentally call her Hilary Clinton.

    I know she’s a teen but she has an entire organization behind her that is supposed to prep her for the media, competition, etc. The fact that this wasn’t nipped in the bud almost as soon as it started is evidence to me that USAG is continuing to fail these girls in more ways than one.

    On Ashton:

    I’m sure she thought getting involved was supportive but it just added fuel to the flame. She should have sat this one out.

    Unfortunately. I feel like I can’t side with either girl. Morgan is in the wrong for sharing her green-eyed jealousy, even if on a finsta (I teach middle school, if you need young people lingo….I might know the words but I have no clue what they mean….). Simone is in the wrong for making it public. I know she must have been hurt but she should have gone out and wiped the floor with her. Not throw shade on Twitter.

    I hope that USAG revamps their media training for the national team and that these girl get over themselves.

    • gymnerd Says:

      ^Like. Entire post.

      I’m going to find it hard to root for *anyone* at Championships this year. They all seem like petty bitches. And why did Jade Carey feel the need to show “Morgue’s” tweet to Simone in the first place?

    • Lucia Says:

      Simone cried because Morgan said things ? That sounds fake. Simone has had plenty of support. This sounds fake.

      • Cupquaked Says:

        Lucia, teen girls are vicious. I teach middle school and let me tell you…they are crazy bitches. I’ve had girls come into my classroom sobbing because one of the popular girls didn’t invite her to a party. I’ve also broken up literal fist fights because someone looked at them the wrong way. Girls, especially teen girls, are not to be messed with.

        I read about Simone crying on twitter and I fully believe it to be true.

        It might sound dramatic but I spend 8+ hours a day with them, 187 days out of the year. They are not normal, functioning human beings.

        They’re insane.

    • Gymbee Says:

      Perfectly said. I also keep in mind that Simone may be 21, but she’s grown up in the sheltered gymnastics community, home schooled. I know two former elite gymnasts personally and they were both years behind their peers in mental maturity, due to being home schooled and just not maturing in a high school setting.
      USAG is not exactly a good role model on this either. Just last week the new USOC CEO literally ran away from Aly when Aly said hello to her, and Kerry Perry seems like a basket case from what I’ve read.

      • Lucia Says:

        USOC is not able to talk to anyone suing them. Aly ran to talk to the CEO for press.

      • SS Says:

        Simone has been pretty open in social media about the fact that she’s emotional/prone to anxiety. I don’t find it hard to believe at all that she was upset. Who wants to go into a group as the outsider already (meaning she didn’t grow up training with any of these girls, whereas most grew up with each other,) only to be completely ostracized by them. It’s a pretty shitty feeling. That being, people are pretty shitty and you’ve got to learn how to deal with it. Blasting Morgan to all of her social media followers was incredibly immature and definitely the wrong way to handle the situation. I agree with GTT, beating her on the competition floor is the sweetest revenge.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I never gave Gabby a pass and I’m not giving Simone one either. I don’t give Morgan one either but I’m with whoever it was that said it doesn’t seem plausible to me that Simone was crying because of Morgan. This reminds me of the game we played as children where one person says something and it gets repeated and turns into something huge.

        Simone was pretty obnoxious on tour when Aly threatened to quit so before all the blame gets thrown on Morgan people need to remember, Simone has her own past history of suspect behavior.

        Someone also told me that it was mentioned on twitter or tumblr that when Simone had a tumblr she tried to get her followers to attack someone who said something negative about her , multiple times.

        It sounds like to me both girls have a lot of growing up to do.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      You called her a much worse name than bitch lol

    • gymnerd Says:

      I just don’t get why Simone would get all upset because some 17-year-old who lucked into a world championship she’ll never defend (with or without Simone) doesn’t like her. Simone mopped the floor with her, and she can cry all the way to the bank. What gives?

      • Gymbot Says:

        It’s a let down when athletes or public figures don’t live up to expectations outside of the sport. Hopefully both parties get the message.

  3. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Interview with Valentina after Russia’s team arrived to Glasgow for Euros (PT is today or tomorrow, but quals are scheduled for August 2nd):


  4. gsgymblog Says:

    If anybody wants to read it, here is my blog post about attending the GK Classic. Not much new info to share but it was fun to write!


    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      Interesting read. I hope you had fun. And I agree Simone’s new music isn’t very good, but I just only enjoyed her music from before Rio. But I don’t remember really enjoyed anyone’s music from Classics,although I missed the routine with Nightmare before Christmas’ soundtrack. I would definitely enjoy that.

  5. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Melna training beam at Glasgow (please, don’t get injuried, please, don’t get injuried):

  6. HartofDixie Says:

    Screenshot of post that caused all this drama


    • Gymbee Says:

      Nooo its gone

    • Cupquaked Says:

      What did it say? Everyone has been taking about it but I’ve yet to actually see it.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Allegedly it said something like, Bitch, this ain’t all about just you. Didn’t see it just read about it.

      • RocΓ­o MartΓ­nez LΓ³pez Says:

        I saw the Instagram post HartofDixie put before it dissapeared. Morgan and I think it was Alyona were on a car and there was a sentence of the likes that GTT said, like Bitch, this isn’t all about you, I wish people realize we are here too. No mention to Simone especifically. The suggestion might seem clear, but without any further context, it could be up to debate.

    • HartofDixie Says:

      I found a screenshot on Twitter how can I add it here?

      • HartofDixie Says:

        Let’s see if this works

      • Danielle Says:

        I think I’m more old fashioned than most, but it’s disappointing to me to see teenagers using language like that. But other than that, it was a petty thing to say but not nearly as bad as what I was expecting it to be from Simone’s reaction.

        Another thing I found out is that Morgan wasn’t even on USAG’s promo video for the competition. I think Simone, Ragan, and Jade were on there but not the reigning world champion (however weak the competition was), world balance beam silver medalist, and American Cup champion which NBC is always so quick to say how prestigious the AC is *eye roll*. I can see how hurtful that would be to Morgan, who has accomplished a lot in her short senior career so far.

      • Chris Says:

        Can’t front that excluding Morgan from the promo must have sucked for her… she is less marketable than the ones they did include in the promo. Morgan being Asian and wearing glasses makes me think they just didn’t find her appealing enough to put her face in the promo

      • gymnerd Says:

        And let’s face it, girl is ugly. There, I said it.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        LOL I think she’s still in her gawky stage and the glasses don’t help. Plus she smiles with all her teeth which is never attractive.

  7. Chris Says:

    but damn Simone’s likes on twitter…… couldn’t make it any more obvious

  8. Lucia Says:

    What Morgan said was in a kidding way. It wasn’t nice but it doesn’t seem to be as vindictive as everyone is acting. Simone telling her followers to go @ Morgan and liking a lot of hate tweets about her is twisted.

    • gymnerd Says:

      I hope McCusker stays out of it and beats them both at championships.

      • Cupquaked Says:

        Riley is great and she has the scores to beat Morgan but it’s wishful thinking that any American can beat Simone, she comes back with the highest AA of this quad and we’re halfway through it.

        Honestly, I’d be rather offended if someone called me a bitch online. It’s hella rude and reeks of jealousy in this situation.

        Morgan is clearly not nearly as straight laced and sweet as the media has tried to portray her as. You weren’t featured in an ad, big whoop.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        She’s a teenager. They are all evil little brats lol

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        I stumbled upon one of my friends from school yesterday, our 29th birthday was last months and we were talking about when we were in our last years of school (14-16) and we said at the same time that we were stupid little shits back then. That we don’t know how one of our teachers didn’t loose completely their minds and set our clasroom on fire because from an adult point of view we were unbereable. And we were kind of nerdy, we didn’t do extreme stuff. So regarding Morgan and Simone, it is teenager stuff that isn’t really that big. If they weren’t public people, it would have been just a teenager spat and nothing else. But as they are well known athletes, this kind of stupid things can change the perspective of their followers and be made bigger by other people on social media, so it really should be taken out of Twitter and Instagram before it becomes something really big.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        That’s on Simone who is the adult. i don’t want to hear she didn’t grow up in reality, blah, blah, blah. She’s 21 not 15.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Yeah, I have said before that it is on Simone as the adult and the one in a power position, to behave better. But still, if everything stops here, I don’t think it will be that big of deal and they both will learn something. Morgan to be more discreet on Internet and Simone that you should never air your dirty laundry on social media and that some statements made on Twitter come back to bit you in the ass, like when she ask people to get a 17 year old. In any case, some people talk about it like some god has fallen and I am like relax, people, it was something unfortunate and unpleasant, but nobody died, was bodily harmed, expelled or traumatized, let’s chill.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I know. The reason I blogged about it at all was to teach a valuable lesson.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        And I think your post should be shown in high schools and schools, to try to teach youngsters that what they say in internet stays in it forever and it could have very harmful repercussion for them. Maybe taking into account that the incident involved two very popular athletes, they would take it more seriously.

  9. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Um, interesting:

  10. imperatorcarolus Says:

    News from people watching Podium Training at Glasgow today. Seems like Becky Downie was on crutches and she doesn’t seem to be competing. And Ana Maria Ocoolisan had to be taken out of the arena. Romania never catches a break, it seems.

    • Gymbot Says:

      If Romania didn’t throw away its junior and B talent, it wouldn’t rely on the same gymnasts (Iordache, Bulimar, Ocolisan, Porgras) until they are literally broken and can’t compete. They don’t deserve any breaks until they make major changes.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        This year, they seem to have a better crop that the last few quads (since 2012, mostly). All of them are very young and had room to improve, especially GΓ³lgota and Ghirac. I think we can expect something interesting from them this year. But of course not like the old Romania. That is long gone and I don’t think it is coming back, but after years of absolute darkness, they might have a good year if no one else gets injuried, because they absolutely have no replacement, especially for Golgota a Ghirac.

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      Now confirmed, both Ocoolisan and Downie sustained injuries and won’t compete. I feel especially bad for Downie, as her injuries seem to happen in the worst moments and after having problems for coming back from her last one.

  11. ilanchik20 Says:

    So did Nastia and her boy broke up officially now? She posted a pretty long IG message alluding to it (and then deleted it) and in last pics out in LA she is not wearing a ring. Hmm.

  12. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Tomorrow is the European Quals. Eurovisionsports might or might not broadcast them through its YouTube channel (it is worth to check: https://www.eurovisionsports.tv/ueg/). But the Frech Gymnastic Federation has announced that they will broadcast everything. You can watch them here: https://sport.francetvinfo.fr/gymnastique/direct/

  13. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Joanna Adlert’s UB. The girl is on fire:

  14. HartofDixie Says:

    In the last quad were the girls ok with Aly and Gabby returning?

  15. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Vrariska’s UB. 13.800. It’s seems low and this field is packed in recent years. Let’s see if she gets to the final:


  16. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Fuck, I want the Netherlands on the podium so bad!

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      And I stopped wishing things in gymnastics after Pavlova…and after Komova…and after Shang Chusong…and after Iordache’s injury…allright, I am stupid and I am still wishing things in gymnastics and setting myself to be dissapointed.

  17. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Um reading the last tweets about Simone and Morgan issue, someone said that there should have been Twitter when Khorkina was competing… And I began thinking all the crazy stuff Khorkina would publish and laughing. That would have been sooo great!

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      That would have been fun πŸ™‚

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Lots. Khorkina in a rampage with a Twitter account at her best would have been hilarious. Luba has translated to english some of her statements and they are sooo good.

  18. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Ey, Spain did good…And Ana Perez improved a lot. I am very happy with that!

  19. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Sanne’s beam:

  20. imperatorcarolus Says:

    First routine for Russia, first athlete, first fall. Aleexeva falls from beam and gets a 12.333

  21. imperatorcarolus Says:

    And Sikamova second and second fall. And it’s the first routine.

  22. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Melnikova didn’t fall (thank fuck) but her score is super low, with only a 5.0 D-score. She usually has 5.7-5.9.

  23. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Melanie Dos Santos out of UB final because her two teammates got better scores than her.

  24. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Seem that Romania has a nightmare rotation on bars after a good vault rotation where Golgota got the higher score for vault finals yet. Seems like all the people in the arena who were tweenting and updating us (as there is no stream in 2018 WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE and they deemed fit to denounce all the people who were streaming the competition through their phones because they didn’t have the rights) are too busy this rotation because GB, Russia and Romania are competing at the same time.

    • Danielle Says:

      Such a shame that they aren’t able to stream the competition.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        It seems that they don’t want to be bothered to do, so because it is easy to stream anything, even with a cuestionable quality, without so much fuss. But people at the arena say that they don’t know why they didn’t stream the quals when they already had all the cameras and equipament put into place stream the competition.

  25. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Aleexeva’s beam:

    Akhaimova had a fall on her floor routine. Melnikova, on the other hand, leads floor quals.

  26. imperatorcarolus Says:

    It gets worse:

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      How long before Marta is hired back there? I’m counting the minutes.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Do you really think Martha is going to go back there? I don’t think the Romanian Federation would say no if she offers, but I don’t think there are anything to save in Romania right now and at her age, would she want to go to a Federation in which all the big people would look at her with suspicion and in which she is not going to get any success in several years, if not longer?

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Depends on the money and she would LOVE to beat the US now and shove it in our faces

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        I get your point, but Romania is in no shape to beat anybody in a foreseeable future. They couldn’t even classify to Team Final in the European Championship (official results), for God’s sake. Romania needs to rebuild itself from their base and they don’t seem to be taking any steps to do so, so it could be years before we see Romania anywhere near a podium. Maybe a glimpse of greatness of individual gymnasts like Iordache or Golgota, but if Martha wants to beat USA (and I totally think she would like to), she would be barking up the wrong tree. She would have more success if she takes up one of the old URSS republics that take Russian girls than with Romania.

  27. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Melna’s floor:

  28. It’s a Wonderful Life: Simone Biles. Part 3 : The Olympic Year | Gymtruthteller's Blog Says:

    […] year will easily be remembered for the twitter/ fake instagram ” Finstagram” fight between Simone and Morgan. though I personally am gonna remember it for Simone falling twice at Worlds and still winning by […]

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