IT’S AN OLYMPIC YEAR!! Who’s excited?

Yea, me neither. I would like to trust Alicia Sacramone and Chellsie Memmel to pick the fair team like they did at Worlds last year but I have some…

The Olympians! With Russia out there is about a 000 1% chance the US lose the Gold medal this time. Even if Simone falls apart again, the overscoring of gymnasts like Jade Carey will prevent what happened 4 years ago from happening again. I am convinced that BFF’s Marta and Nellie Kim colluded to lowball US gymnasts like Grace Mccallum and Jordan Chiles and even though they lost by a lot, it wouldn’t have happened if the form of the Russian girls was as nitpicked as everyone on the US team sans Jade Carey’s was. Jordan Chiles is the only US gymnast without a lot of form issues. Her scores should have represented that, but they didn’t. In the past, the Russians have complained about Nellie Kim favoring the US but that changed in 2021. Guess what I think about that?

So… Will Marta and Nellie do the same thing in 2024? There aren’t any Russians but Brazil has a two-headed monster that could compete with the best US gymnasts if only they had a third. It’s possible just not probable, so….

Pick your pre, every meet Olympic team.

Here are your contenders…

Simone Biles- Shilese Jones- Leanne Wong, Skye Blakely- Joscelyn Roberson (Your 2023 world team)

Kayla Dicello, Jordan Chiles, Tiana Sumanasekera, Zoe Miller, Kaliya Lincoln, Katelyn Jong (Your 2023 Pan am team)

Hezly Rivera (overscored Wogaette) Kieryn Finnell, (Izzy Stassi (injured) Reese Esponda (Dark horse) (Juniors turned Seniors)

Suni Lee, Gabby Douglas (comebacks)

Jade Carey (Judges on crack)

Lexi Zeiss ( Injured walking)

The real contenders are the Pan Am /World teams and Suni Lee but there is always a dark horse that comes out of nowhere like Reese who is training some crazy stuff on floor. Gabby Douglas is always a contender with the judges ignoring her mistakes and the few things she has shown have looked great but there have been like 3 things and remember that Amanar hit at camp lies from last year? Oh, and Grace McCallum has thrown some stuff lately that makes people think she is coming back.

The first two are pretty much locked bearing injury. Simone and Shilese. So you build from there. That usually means a third AAer. And a Vault/Floor and Bars/Beam specialist.

Don’t count out the juniors. The US judges love Hezley Rivera but she will need to upgrade to be in contention. Reese is throwing triple-backs in training on floor. She only vaulted a 4.2 at Nationals last year but if the AAer had two vaults they may skip a VT/FL specialist and take someone with a super routine like Maroney’s Amanar. Or a super Zoe Miller bar routine.

Does anyone have any ideas? Someone has to have some thoughts?

98 Responses to “IT’S AN OLYMPIC YEAR!! Who’s excited?”

  1. Gymnerd Says:

    I have never been less excited about an Olympics than I am about this one. Trick, trick, trick, clunk, clunk, clunk. No grace or beauty anywhere.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      You’re alive 🙂
      I agree plus unless someone gets injured you know the team will include Simone, Shilese, Jade, Gabby and Suni.

      If Suni doesn’t come back to AA or bars and beam, they will probably take Jordan Chiles.

  2. HartofDixie Says:

    Mary Lou’s excuses for not having health insurance. Wonder how much will end up getting “donated”.

  3. tatulover2120 Says:

    I think the Olympic team will be Simone, Shilese, Leanne, and Jade.
    Alternates: Kayla DiCello, Jordan Chiles, Joscelyn Roberson.
    I may swipe out Leanne for Kayla. I go back and forth between them both. I think Leanne proved herself in worlds this year.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      You get 5 for the team this year.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Then I’ll throw in my 5th person being either:
        Kayla or gabby. I still need to see gabby to be 100% sure but since she’s been given so many gifts in the past, it should be acknowledged her possibly making the team. I DOUBT Suni will even be an alternate. With all her health issues and she hasn’t even competed 1/2 the competition events…I think people are over hoping for her spot.

  4. david0688 Says:

    Suni will repeat. That girl cannot catch an L apparently.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      If she gets her bars back she is my pick for bars/beam

      • david0688 Says:

        I’d like to see her as a bars/beam specialist but I do not like the idea of going back-to-back for AA.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I will say tho…if Suni comes back and is as good as she was in Tokyo or better…she’ll make the team over gabby even if gabby is at her best in London/rio.

    • tatulover2120 Says:

      I really don’t think Suni will even be considered for an alternate With Shilese and Gabby. She hasn’t even hit an elite bar routine in competition yet and with all her health issues going on…

  5. tatulover2120 Says:

    To be honest, I’m more excited for this Olympics than I was for Tokyo.

  6. HartofDixie Says:

    The last few Olympic teams were the previous world team members minus 1 (Jordan replaced Kara, Laurie replaced Maggie/Brenna, Kyla replaced Sabrina). My prediction is the team will be all previous Olympians + Shilese. If Suni is healthy and Gabby comeback is legit then the team will be Simone, Shilese, Suni, Gabby, Jade with the alternates being Jordan, Leanne, Kayla/Josc. Allegedly Jade is only competing beam/bars for NCAA.

    • tatulover2120 Says:

      I DOUBT it on Suni and Joscelyn as alternate. MAYBE…if Joscelyn actually performed at Worlds and didn’t injure herself I’d say she’d be an alternate. I think worlds was her big chance to prove herself.

  7. HartofDixie Says:

    Jordan went to the Super 16 NCAA event to commentate. Jade overscored.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      Jordan has a fabulous agent who deserves a raise. Not sure why she is relevant at all in today’s society. Americans favor only Gold medalists and she had a bit part in a silver medal of a team that underachieved yet she has been on talks shows and does things like this. As someone who liked Jordan even if her always on personality would drive me crazy in real life, I just don’t understand why she is still relevant.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        It’s imo, because she is Simone’s “known bff”. They made headlines during nationals saying “Simone’s bff Jordan falls on balance beam”. It’s also she’s mega popular with the young girls. I coach part time and all the girls I coach love Jordan. Some like Suni but everyone likes Jordan.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      The comments sound like me. The scoring here is suspect

  8. gymfan96 Says:

    Hi everyone! This is my first post and I’m excited to be a part of the group! I always appreciated the discussion here and when this blog disappeared for a while last year and all I had was Reddit I figured I better join this blog so that doesn’t happen again 😊. Gymnastics has been blah to me for a loooong time. (I prefer 90s gymnastics and Shannon Miller.) But with the Olympic year I’m very interested in who will make the team. I’m disappointed I currently don’t have any real favorites on the US team. Simone is Simone. Skye is not consistent (I’m not a fan of inconsistent gymnasts). I like Leanne and don’t understand why she is so unliked by the judges. Joscelyn does nothing for me. I really liked Jade but I was not at all impressed with her last year. Maybe it was just a few bad meets but she looked tired and not in top shape. I like Shilese the best currently and Leanne and Grace and Jade are sentimental favorites. I actually am excited about Gabby’s comeback because I prefer her form and style to anyone else’s currently (granted, all I’ve seen are some Insta clips of her, and she’s never had a floor music/choreo I loved), although I haven’t followed the juniors closely. I used to watch every routine from nationals (thanks Youtube) and make detailed notes about every meet. I was a die hard fan and spent hours reading the IG forum, BalanceBeamSituation, this blog, Gymternet and any tweets I could find. My daughter is almost 3 and since she was born I’ve barely had time to pay must attention to gym. Sorry about this rambling and disjointed post, I’ve been procrastinating getting my first post in 😊

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      Did I really approve a gabby fan? I must have been drinking 🙂 And you like Jade? Are you sure you read this

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        They may have left already. Did you leave the door unlocked and a gabby/Jade fan stumbled in? Next, you’ll find “she who shall not be named” fans in here asking to “borrow a phone to call a tow”.
        Lol all fun and games, newbie. Just don’t be shocked by how incredibly blunt we are.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Us blunt ? Never 😉 she was nice , I wasn’t pissed about the Patriots firing Bill Belichick yet. Many factors came into play 😉

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Haha she was! I’m just wondering if she’s still here.

      • gymfan96 Says:

        Still here, I”m well aware of how blunt this group is haha, that’s why I much prefer it to other gym groups. I guess I wasn’t clear in my post that I’m so uninspired by the current group of US gymnasts that I’m looking forward to seeing what Gabby brings. 🙂

  9. HartofDixie Says:

    Mary Lou on Today show.

    • tatulover2120 Says:

      Holy shyt…I know MLR isn’t young anymore but she looks 70 years old…hope for the best. Also I wish she’d stop talking like she’s 16…the baby voice needs to go once you’re in your mid 20’s. I said what I said.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I don’t think she can help the voice. Her growth was probably stunted doing gym that many years.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I think her voice is a signature. Kind of like how terrible Trump’s hair is…it’s a signature. I just cringe when I hear her talk in that voice now that’s she’s in her mid 50s. I know I know…I’m realllyyyy being nitpicky.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Nah, not nit picky. Its an annoying voice, I just don’t think she can help it.

  10. HartofDixie Says:

    So it begins…

    • HartofDixie Says:

    • HartofDixie Says:

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      It was a

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        The thing I fail to understand is it seemed the twisties came out of no where. She never had an issue before Tokyo.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        She didn’t look right in prelims. She looked nervous. She is the one that had a facebook show calling herself the goat. Put it on her leo. She talked herself into believing she was God’s gift to gymnastics and the only one who could help the team win. She did it to herself. She alluded to someone at USAG saying she was the savior. I find it hard to believe she just got upset about that now. They knew it 4 years before that.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        To be fair, she wasn’t the only one calling herself God’s gift to gymnastics. Practically everyone was. But yes I agree with all you mentioned. Hyping yourself up this much is unhealthy for anyone.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        True but no one else had it on their Leotard, or was part of a show calling it, Me against myself. Just saying

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Trust me, I agree with you. 100%. One thing I hate is when famous people want to push a narrative about themselves that they definitely want us to think and believe about them and then when it comes time for them to put up or shut up, it’s somehow our fault for putting all this pressure on them. Uhhhhmmmmmm didn’t you call yourself the goat?! Didn’t you say it’s “me vs me” cause you’re that good? What else were we supposed to think.

      • mvtramp Says:

        Not sure if my previous comment posted, so trying again.

        1. Agree with all of the above. By Simone did it to herself with all the “goat” crap. Her agent needs a raise. Somehow the narrative changed from “Simone choked” (because let’s face it, she did) to “Simone is a hero for bringing mental health issues to the forefront!” Um, no. Feel bad for her for choking, sure. Make her a hero for doing so, no.

        2. Jordan Chiles is obnoxious and I hope we’re not subjected to her again this summer.

        3. Something ain’t adding up in the MLR situation. I hope someone does an investigation.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I saw your comments somewhere. Maybe they were in a different blog. You used Mvtramp instead of Gymnerd so I just approved it since I know it’s you by the IP address.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Mvtramp I agree with you. I bet tho once Paris is here and if Simone is on the team (let’s face it she will be) the whole choking conversation will be brought up again by those who only watch gymnastics for the Olympics. It will be a bit odd to see her perform at an Olympics and not have any “twisties” even tho all her moves involve twisting and flipping to the highest standard. I read somewhere it was speculation that she couldn’t use her medicine (known as a PED) and she couldn’t win without it so the whole “twisties” narrative was made up to save face.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        That’s an interesting theory I totally should have come up with lol. I also remember Simone replying to someone on Twitter saying she has not taken her medication in years but I don’t remember when or where . I should really screencap all this shit when I see it

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        In the future do it you’ll never know when it’ll come in handy.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        It always did boggle my mind that she was able to perform her skills in 2019-2021 like the triple double, amanar, double pike vault, double double dismount off beam without any issues of ‘twisties’ until Tokyo. Even months before no issues. At least nothing to my memory. I think that’s why her routines are watered down today.
        People are saying she’s better than ever which is totally not true. Most of her tumbling is down grade compared to what Simone is capable of. They are just unaware of how easy these skills are for her and she can complete them with ease. I remember I had an IG argument when Simone posted a video of her double layout having too much power and I said something along the lines of “the double layout is too easy for her and she shouldn’t perform it” and people were attacking me about it. They didn’t realize her one Biles move is a double layout 1/2 twist and that’s harder.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        GTT sorry for 3 posts in a row but maybe I read that theory on here…did you write it?? Haha I forget where I read it.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I don’t think I wrote it and you post as much as you want . My guess is you heard an off hand joke and now months later think it’s real . Lol

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I think there’s potential. Not definitely.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      Did you get your hotel for Classics? I refuse to spend 500 a night so I will be driving up the day of the seniors. I don’t know how they will do it this year. 4 Years ago they had two sessions on day two of seniors. I wonder how many will be there this year?

      If they have the juniors on day 1, I may get a cheaper hotel further away but the one connected to the XL center is already sold out.

  11. HartofDixie Says:

  12. HartofDixie Says:

    Lily is competing.

  13. HartofDixie Says:

    Maggie’s book released today.

  14. tatulover2120 Says:

    • tatulover2120 Says:

      Did Sam Peszek get fired and Aly took her job? I only just found out Aly was the new commentator.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Sam is doing NBC so maybe she had to cut back . Aly’s voice is not really meant for commentating, but she really hasn’t done anything else in years so maybe she’s bored . I just don’t know how someone as smart as Aly coolant go to school without gymnastics . Her parents of all people should be pushing an education .

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Yeah Aly is way too monotoned. I may like her better than Sam tho, Sam doesn’t know how to shut up. She just keeps talking and talking and talking….she makes me feel like she puts effort into ignoring everything the other commentator says.
        I’m not surprised Aly is taking this job. What have we seen since 2008 with medal winning Olympians (even non medaling)? They can’t and won’t leave gymnastics and find a job in it somewhere somehow. It doesn’t matter what they studied in university.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        She may surprise and from what I can tell Aly is actually really liked by most gymnasts so she may fit in, well with those that can take critical commentating , if she goes that route . I somehow doubt she will. She seems to need to be liked . I just don’t get why her ? Taking advantage of an Olympic year ? I already like her more than Sam . LOL.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        She is really liked. When it comes to popularity she peaked at a really good time in social media. Shes very beautiful, she very successful (at what she did), and has a “supergirl” persona because of the Larry Nassar situation so she’s seen as strong and smart. Also, I feel any athlete won’t mind getting criticism from an already super accomplished athlete like her. She doesn’t seem like a mean girl at heart like “she who shall not be named” and imo Alicia Sacramone in her younger years so her critiques can be taken seriously by athletes and appreciated. Imo, to answer your question about “why her” I’m betting NBC or ESPN has already gotten complaints about how annoying Peszek is cause she won’t stfu and continues to act like Karen Smith from Mean Girls even though she’s 32 years old. Aly does have some speaking experience from the talk shows she’s been on but, this would be a new route for her since it seems like she left gymnastics far behind and decided to go the mental health route. Tbh I’m not surprised she headed back to gymnastics tho, she’s still relevant and I’m sure all the mental health advocacy she pushed since 2018 has less opportunities for her than a desert having water. Making a good salary while returning to a sport she’s still relevant in…makes me think she MAY consider a comeback. Heck, she’s only 30.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Also out of curiosity, why do you say her parents should be pushing education? Are they school people? I’m not super familiar with her family other than her mom getting involved on twitter during the whole Larry Nassar thing. Tbh tho, I’m glad to see her I did really like her as a gymnast. Hopefully she won’t become a Shawn Johnson to me where she’ll let media and notoriety get to her head and cause her to become greedy and attention seeking.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        They are filthy rich liberals . That should explain it. I forget what the father does but he has an education . Aly is like what, 26? 18? She should already be done with her education . She can’t have more than a few million if even that. I just don’t see why she isn’t doing something with her life . She has plans to go to College . It’s crazy she isn’t doing something with her life .

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Yeha that they definitely are filthy rich liberals. They seem like the family that will get you super comfortable being around them and all then will start political talks that make you feel like you need to conform. Lol. Whatever but it didn’t surprise me she didn’t attend college, not that she doesn’t seem smart or anything like that. She seems like she could be social awkward to a point. Like in college, she seems like she’d be uncomfortable with the whole “hook up culture” and getting drunk. Idk her personally but from what I can judge, she definitely is the opposite of Alicia Sacramone. Alicia seemed like she was majorly out going and confident. Aly seems more reserved and quiet. Well, she’s about 30 so college isn’t a foreign future plan. Maybe by the time she leaves ESPN she’ll be married or at least dating.

    • HartofDixie Says:

      Not sure this is the right career choice.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I bet Aerie doesn’t have many modeling options for her since not too many people recognize her anymore or she’s aging out.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        That’s true but Boston has w ‘em forgotten her . She’s really irrelevant right now .

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I love Boston. I wonder if she’ll have to relocate for this job. If so, will mommy dearest be coming along? She doesn’t seem to have her own place yet….thats just me speculating, no evidence for this.

      • HartofDixie Says:

        I think she lives in her own place in Boston. I don’t think she’ll need to move as she is just covering NCAA meets. She’s at LSU for tonight’s meet.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Not saying you’re wrong HartofDixie but…my mom never came to my first day of work so I don’t think she lives on her own yet.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I really feel like more was done to Aly by Nassar then what we know (On the level that happened to Maroney) and that is why she is having such a hard time getting over everything. She should be in therapy. And if she is, she needs more of it. This blog has always supported Aly because we are Boston homies but watching her the last few years, it makes me question how she is really doing. There is something off with her mother. My Jewish friend says this is a typical Jewish mom, and don’t blame me if that sounds racist. The hovering Jewish mom is my Jewish friends saying, not mine. 🙂

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Gtt, you’re absolutely right and I agree I think more was done to Aly. Perhaps by someone else. Not saying her coach but who knows. My example of this is she hasn’t dated anyone (unless she keeps her dating life super private) but I don’t feel she would. I feel we’d at least know if she had a boyfriend. I’m not a Bostonian but I went to college in Providence RI (mini Boston is what it’s called) and my husband is from New Bedford MA so I am a lover of MA.
        My best friend is Jewish and they have their qwerky behaviors. Unfortunately my friend’s mother died a while back so I don’t know how stereotypical Aly’s mom is. I’ve heard things and hovering or being nosy is one of them. I feel her mom is a very good mother, nurturing and loving, but I do feel she thinks Aly can do no wrong and that she’s her sweet princess forever.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Aly is the golden child . I also feel like maybe something happened to Aly before Nassar but I don’t want to speculate something that horrible . I don’t think it was her coach .

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I absolutely agree again. Not trying to ass kiss you but i had a very similar thought.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        There is something really off about Aly and I don’t say that maliciously. And if you any to disagree on a subject tell me you’re a Yankee fan . I might ban you though 😉

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I’m DEFINITELY NOT a Yankees fan. My mother is one tho. I don’t pay attention to baseball but if I had to pick I’d be a Red Sox fan cause Boston is a better city than New York. Btw I know you were being sarcastic lol

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Your mother isn’t allowed to post here 😉

      • tatulover2120 Says:


      • tatulover2120 Says:

        I forgot to respond. I think Aly is mentally and emotionally stunted since Rio 2016. Her maturity hasn’t gotten beyond what it was between 2016-2018. Imo

      • HartofDixie Says:

        Aly dated some guy that was on the bachelorette and now he’s out of the closet. And that was back in 2016-2017. If she’s dating she’s keeping it off social media.

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Going back to GTT theory on someone else doing something to her…perhaps that out of the closet bachelor? All speculation. I THINK I remember her writing about going on a date in her 20’s and a dude was sexist towards her. If that’s true, you have to take that with a grain of salt coming from Aly. I remember reading she thought an interviewer saying that the 2016 team should be called the GLAMS squad cause it’s the first initial of each member, was sexist.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I really don’t want to discuss this about Aly. Speculating and blaming someone , with no proof , I’d rather not . When I said maybe assaulted I meant before Nassar , and no name came to my mind . People react to abuse differently. When it comes to Nassar victims I feel like some people got over it a lot quicker and then we have Aly, Mattie and Maroney who just can’t seem a lot more affected compared to everyone else . It just feels like more happened to them than others .

      • tatulover2120 Says:

        Yeah I agree sorry about that.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Nothing to be sorry about . We can discuss anything at this blog but I don’t want to bring out the Disclaimer blog again because someone wants to sue me because something was speculated without any proof .

  15. HartofDixie Says:


  16. HartofDixie Says:

    Aly is turning 30 this year. Why is her mom going to work with her?

  17. gymfan96 Says:

    Suni doing a full twisting LO jaeger. That’s really pretty. Wonder if she can do it in a full routine.

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