US Olympic committee makes a move to decertify USA-Gymnastics

Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at 5.33.04 PM

I know this will be discussed so here you go. Discuss. At least they waited til Worlds was over.

 USOC’s statement

Now for MY opinion. Unless you are going to give the person you put in charge a chance to do their job, you might as well end USA-Gymnastics and start over.

Kerry Perry quit because she wasn’t allowed to do her job and Bono quit because she knew that no matter what she did, someone was going to find fault with it. Both woman were put in a, no win situation and never had a fair shot at accomplishing anything.

I do find it ironic that the USOC wants to do something, now! The abuse happening in the sport of gymnastics has been happening, a very long time and they sat on their butts and did nothing, until the Apocalypse happened.

USA-Gymnastics response to the USOC…

Here is what will happen if USAG is decertified
according to this, Yahoo article.

If anyone from USA-Gymnastics is brought to the new organization, why even bother?


A cute article on Chen Yile As someone who HATES spiders just like Chen Yile, I once took a shower , multiple days in a row, with a spider because I didn’t want to jinx the Red Sox during the playoffs in 2013. TMI , I felt like sharing 🙂


Chusovitnia should be hired as the athletes rep for the US. This is EXACTLY what the athletes rep should be doing and no, just because the gymnasts want something doesn’t mean it should be implemented but having someone to bounce things off of is a good idea.

130 Responses to “US Olympic committee makes a move to decertify USA-Gymnastics”

  1. HartofDixie Says:

    I agree Kerry didn’t have a chance to change anything she was always met with an angry mob (led by Lynn & Aly). The same thing would have happened with Mary but her tweets shortened her time there. No one was going to be happy with anything until this happened.

    If there is no USAG then do we still have the team spot for 2020? Who’s sending Jade to the meets she needs to qualify?

    • gymnerd Says:

      So, what happens to all the gyms out there? What about those of us who compete at the grassroots level? Does the sport just die?

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        There is way too much money involved in this sport for that to happen.

        Someone will be put in charge , Aly and her mother will rant about it on twitter and nothing will be accomplished but no one will care because the Olympics will be happening and everyone will only care about making money.

      • HartofDixie Says:

        By 2020 Aly will be playing nice to get attention, endorsements, and go on the tour if we have one.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Look how Aly acted when she wasn’t invited to Nationals. I don’t think she quite understands that attacking your bread and butter isn’t the way to endear yourself to future endorsements. Now that being said I think that says a lot about her intentions in all of this that she didn’t even think about how this would affect her future. Which means it was genuine but I think when the next Olympics roams around we will see a lot more Gabby then we will Aly. Gabby hasn’t said a word which will play in her favor come 2020.

  2. Cupquaked Says:

    I wasn’t alive when this was originally discussed/debated/decided, but isn’t there AAU? They wanted to be the governing body back in the 60s, right? We had 2 different nationals, two different routes to the Olympics, etc. Then USAG was awarded the NGB status sometime in the 60s.

    I can imagine that AAU would like to take over and would be willing to make it happen. But I don’t really know.

    So who gets to choose the new organization?

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      I have no clue to any of your questions.

    • The Dude Says:

      You probably won’t agree but I do believe Aly’s Intentions are better than others

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I believe Aly has the of best intentions but sometimes the louder you scream and then refuse to listen to people the more people are going to think you have a hidden agenda.

        I read what Jon Horton said on twitter and he didn’t deserve to be attacked for pointing out that if you want change and the people in charge are asking for that opinion then maybe filling out the survey to help with the decision would be a good idea.

      • The Dude Says:

        Mattie received a million dollar lawsuit from her former gym…which is closing

  3. Gymbot Says:


    Rocio will do PR

    The board will be Chase, Hart of Dixie, Cupquaked, Mim, Ashkay and Sainabou.

    I’ll do accounting and numbers, explain the FIG codes and rules. It will be perfect

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      Where do I sign?

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      I was THIS close to ranting about “The gymternet” thinking they deserve a say in who is elected and what should happen for this blog and you go and write

      The difference between me and the rest of the wanna be gymnast bloggers and message board posters who spend more time kissing the ass of gymnasts over blogging/posting is I know I wouldn’t be able to run USA-Gymnastics or any version of it. I don’t have that big of a self inflated ego.

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      On the bright side, we could ban wolf turns and ugly floor music forever. And those pink leotards. Never ever again. Isn’t that a great thought?

      • JAS4 Says:

        That would be fabulous 😂 no more pepto pink!

      • HartofDixie Says:

        No more pink leos! I would also like to see more modest leos’s – elite isn’t too bad but NCAA…

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        That might be worth taking over 🙂 But I think I should run the IOC if anything and ban all this ridiculous crap for all Countries not just the US 🙂

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Madam, you are hired.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        How much does this gig pay because I would love to quit my job 🙂

      • Gymbot Says:

        If you have to quit the new job, it pays a million to leave (Steve Penny)

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        The good news is I’m not dumb enough to tell other people to destroy evidence. If anything I would do it myself and make sure there is no evidence to convict me 🙂

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        And to eliminate your Twitter account before your assignement becomes public.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I deleted my own twitter account. This new one only has blogs posted so I should be fine. Actually what I should have deleted is this

      • Gymbot Says:

        Yeah this blog would kinda sink us all for a position

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Nah, just me, I used my real name. You guys are safe under all the anonimity. Or you can go the politicians route and say “someone hacked me/said it was me”.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Someone hacked my bog for 8 years lol

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Reasonable doubt. Some fucker from high school. Some loser you rejected and was pissed, many women like us can relate to that. He wanted revenged and said that gymtruthteller was you without any proof whatsoever.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Or I could just blame Nastia 🙂

      • Cupquaked Says:

        I accidentally commented on a blog post here while logged into my own WordPress account….which I made specifically to blog about my life overseas.

        I changed pretty much all my handles though, when one of my students found my instagram and I had to camouflage myself online 😂😬

        So maybe I’m still safe 🤷🏼‍♀️ But I’m sure I said something stupid on MySpace 10 years ago. So I’d probably still get fired.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        That is a good one. Nastia or Monceanu. And we could say that they were critized in this blog to throw suspicious people off their scents!

        Cupquaked, dear, nobody access MySpace anymore. You are safe, so you can be on the new USA gymnastics board. Please, ban wolf turns and pink leos for me.

      • Cupquaked Says:

        Thus sayeth the board:

        On the floor is the banning of the perpetually ugly wolf turn and it’s sister perpetual ugly: the pepto pink leotard.

        All in favor say aye.

        All opposed can go split the beam.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:


  4. JAS4 Says:

    I knew it! Khorkina is coming for more medals to keep her title of most world medals 😂 lol although it would be interesting if that were the case lom

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      She uploaded a picture with Chuso, Bogiskaya and another person who I didn’t recognize with the caption “Ready to compete for the unified team”. The retirees are looking good for the years that they have been away from competition.

  5. The Dude Says:

    All Olympia agrees to pay Nassar survivor Mattie Larson $1 million

    • Cupquaked Says:

      “Agrees to pay.”

      Lol. Ok.

      If they hadn’t agreed, a legal system would have forced them to agree.

      Artur and his wife who I couldn’t bother to remember the name of are such a waste of space.

      It just angers me as a teacher. I am successful because of my students NOT the other way around.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      Do we need to be reminded again where this discussion takes place ???? Not sure why she is suing and winning against her old gym when her mother paid for the right to send her there and apparently did nothing to protect her own daughter.

      • gymnerd Says:

        I wonder the same.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I hate to be such a bitch I really do but it’s not like I haven’t said it before. We haven’t had new people approved in months so I know people know. This isn’t personal. I don’t even remember who left the link and I can’t see who it is right now so whomever you are don’t take it personally.

  6. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Oh, God, that is what I feared…

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      She says things to motivate her gymnasts. People haven’t learned this by now? Melnikova could have done better but so could have everyone that competed.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Not everybody deals well with though love. To say that is unfair with Melna and unfair. And it isn’t always motivational. Valentina has banished a lot of people to gymsberia saying things like this and she is mentioning new girls who actually could be a threat to Melna in a foresseable future.

      • Gymbot Says:

        Tried to add Mustafina’s scores on my phone, so I think it’s right. She got 40.866 for three events. Pretty solid, with a good DTY vault she would have broken 55 probably. But she would still need to add back some difficulty to surpass Melnikova as a the top AA gymnast. I’m not sure who the “girl from rostov” is – but ksenia kilmenko* was the best of the to-be 2019 seniors, and was beat by many gymnasts all around the world at YOG this year.

        So sorry not Rocio, Melnikova is staying on any team for the foreseeable future

      • Gymbot Says:

        So worry not* ^^^ rocio

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        I am reasonably worried. I don’t want her banished to gymsberia. New years always come with new candidates, some of them with good potential. Klimenko is good, and Komkova is one of Valentina’s favourites. And there are some others. So if Valentina is pissed and Melna has an off year for whatever reason, if she has any other options, she can very well be off of the main team. That is my concern.

        Musty did very well, all things considered. She still doesn’t have her complete exercise back on UB, but we knew that, given all the problems she showed to her inbars. She originally wasn’t going to compete floor and don’t have her full exercise back and still got enough score to get to the final but got two per countried. Sikamova was supposed to do floor instead and she didn’t trained it very much in the weeks before Worlds because it was a given that she wasn’t going to compete it, but she pulled it off. I am not sure if she is going to take her vault back. Vault is the event in which she tore her ACL in 2011 and the one she scratches off when she is not physically 100%. I don’t know if she wants to be an AAer again or not. If she doesn’t, I don’t think she will take her vault back. If she do, she can have the DTY back easily, as she does more complicated things on floor. I haven’t seen her compete her Amanar since she got injuried in 2011, so I think she will stick to the DTY, which is the vault she sticked to from 2012 onwards.

      • Cupquaked Says:

        I read an interview once back in 2012 when she was just about recovered and she said she’d never compete it again because it carried such bad memories with it.

        Maybe that’s changed, 8 years later. Or maybe not. It was a pretty horrific injury. The same that basically killed Rebecca Bross’s career and I would have tagged her as the American equivalent of Musty in 2010. Very mentally grounded gymnasts and solid performances.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        She never competed her Amanar again, as far as I know. I understand the psychological issue and feared as much. It is still the event she drops when she is not very sure of her physical state, despite floor taking more toll on her knees. If she has problems doing it, I am glad she dropped it for a vault with which she feels more confortable.

        I have always had my debates about Rebecca Bross. I didn’t like her style, but I recognized her as a hard-working, likable kid. But I had the feeling that she was perpetually sad, tired, afraid or a combination of all the above. I will always remember the image of her at 2012 Trials, just before she got injuried again, and the NBC commentator (I don’t remember which one, the less anoying one) saying that she was looking the UB which a fierce determination on her eyes and that if he was the UB, he would be afraid. And I couldn’t help but thinking that kid wasn’t looking at anything with determination, she seemed deathly afraid. And as older as I got, I am more convinced that kid was constantly scared or sad.

  7. HartofDixie Says:

    GTT check this out. I don’t think the Biles gym should be the place to hold camps. Can’t they go to Colorado Springs?

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      This would be a gigantic conflict of interest. I doubt USA-Gymnastics or any committee in charge of making this type of decision would be stupid enough to pick a place where the reigning, World champion trained . Not to mention her parents own it.

      This is typical, Moceanu. Attempting to worm her way, back in, to USAG ( or whatever they will potentially be labeled in the future) Don’t people realize she and her creepy husband, always have an ulterior motive?

    • Cupquaked Says:

      They should have built an OTC for gymnastics back when they had the money for it. It was never a good idea to have camps at the Ranch. Like…THAT was a huge conflict of interest.

      They should have always had a neutral training center. I hope that’s on the table now.

      • Gymbot Says:

        I think as a temporary situation it will be ok. Obviously not a permanent solution, but they need options and money, of which USAG has neither, and USAG will probably be disbanded.

        It’s probably not a good idea to pay the college gyms to host them under contract, since they’re about to be bankrupt.

        And this it would be impossible to build one since they don’t have money, will be bankrupt soon, and will also be disbanded/decertified w/e

        Anyway, some youths train at the OTC in Colorado and then became US team members (Marvin Kimble). So I think it would be a conflict of interest. But a difference would be the Biles family and the Landis wouldn’t be coordinating the team, so a little different from Marvin Kimble.

        I say go for it, but obviously the new NGB led by GTT will need to build a new neutral training center.

  8. HartofDixie Says:

    Missing documents found:

    • Gymbot Says:

      This potentially saves Penny

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      I didn’t rad it tell me please if you can, where the records were found>

      • Gymbot Says:

        They were found at USAG headquarters in Indy! They were just there…. no info on who found them…. who would have received and put them there…. etc.

        But now Penny can’t be charged with destroying evidence, but hiding or hindering an investigation still happen. We’ll see.

      • HartofDixie Says:

        They were found in Indy office. Seems no one knew they were there. Don’t know if it’s all the docs or some got destroyed in the process. Someone will talk.

  9. JAS4 Says:
    Chuso training a new entry on vt

  10. imperatorcarolus Says:

  11. JAS4 Says:

    • JAS4 Says:

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      In this day and age of social media I always thought it was weird how Aliya never put her daughter on social media when she was first born. Now she’s all over the place.

      • JAS4 Says:

        I wonder if she will retire or if she will try to make a comeback before the next winter Olympics.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Can you give me the gist of Ashley’s future in skating? I really don’t want to read about anything else she has to say. Thanks

      • JAS4 Says:

      • JAS4 Says:

        This is the part about her skating future and she is also coaching now:

        You already mentioned you’re taking the Grand Prix season off. Can you say anything else about your competitive future?

        Right now, to be completely honest, I’m not entirely sure what I want to do. Watching the ladies’ event [at NHK Trophy] in Japan, it was one of those situations where definitely maybe take a step back and think, okay, in order to even be competitive on the scene right now, you need to be throwing out technically perfect programs with two triple-triples, and if you’re not even thinking about a triple Axel, then maybe you should step aside.

        It’s one of those things where sometimes it’s best to just take a step back and let skating progress the way it’s going to. I watched Carolina Kostner and what she was able to do toward the later part of her career and I really admire that. I think that there’s something to be said about coming out and putting out quality and still being able to perform that doesn’t entirely write off someone who’s not trying the technically most difficult program. But it’s a lot of work. It’s one of those things where I have to start considering whether or not it’s worth it.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        That sounds like she is done and I am fine with that because I’ve been sick of her forever but she could still be competitive in the US because all these girls are inconsistent . Guess we will see.

  12. gymtruthteller Says:

    If it interests anyone, Ragan Smith was in Oklahoma for a football game on the tenth of November. There is a picture of her and Maggie floating around .

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      If anyone remembers right before Kyla decided to retire she was seen around UCLA at football games and such. Makes you wonder.

    • HartofDixie Says:

      Wonder if she’s there to sign her letter but like Kyla that was a sign the end was near.

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      Chiles has announced she has signed with UCLA and claims she will compete with them in 2019. Kara Eaker has commited to Utah, but I don’t know if she pretends to go next year or delay it a little.

      • gymnerd Says:

        2019? As in, the month after next?

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        She was not very specific, but I understand it to be next fall, as it would be very weird for her to enter the team in the middle of the course. But I have seen weirdest things, to be honest.

  13. gymnerd Says:

    So it’s official”

  14. imperatorcarolus Says:

    Arthur Garner Memorial is under its way. Team Russia is there almost completely, with Kharenkova and Seda out of Gymsberia for the time being, and Paseka and Eremina too, but I doubt they will compete. More that for the Memorial, it seems they are all there together as a kind of “team-building” exercise. Iliankova is there but someone uploaded a video of her sitting with some crutches at her side, so she might be injuried, something that would explain her absence from Worlds.

  15. gymtruthteller Says:

    Someone help me out. Say a bedroom is 189 square feet and the ratio of 3 rooms is 4: 3: 2: . What the hell is the area of the 3 rooms.

    Math is evil and i need to go back to fifth grade to re-learn this shit.

    Thank you 🙂

    • JAS4 Says:

      My math is way rusty I usually make my husband help with the kids math homework 😂 but I think if the 4 is 189 sq ft then the 3 would be about 141.75 sq ft and the 2 would be about 94.5 sq ft but I could be wrong so please feel free to correct lol

      • JAS4 Says:

        That’s if the 189 is the biggest room. If it’s the smallest then 4 would be 378 sq ft and 3 would be 283.5 and 2 would be the 189. If it’s the middle sized room then I think 4 would be 252 and 3 would be the 189 and 2 would be 126….I think but I haven’t had to use anything other than basic math for the grocery store in ages 😂

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        None of what you said makes any sense to I think the total was 189 and she needed to know the ratio of 3 rooms but she went home so now I can forget math ever existed.

      • Gymbot Says:

        JAS was correct based on what you asked, if one room is 189 what is the area of the three rooms if they are 4:3:2?

        If the total area of the rooms is 189 and you need to know the area of the three individual rooms, you solve for X.

        189 = 4x + 3x + 2x = 9x

        X = 189/9

        X = 21

        So the rooms sizes are 84, 63 and 42.

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Okay so I get where you got the 9 but where the hell did the 21 come from and the 84-63-42 ? You’re gonna need to explain this a little better lol

        I only had to get through Algebra when I was in school and i remember none of it.

      • Gymbot Says:


        Solving for x = 189/9 = 21

        The rooms were 4x 3x and 2x

        So 4 x 21 = 84

        3 x 21 = 63

        2 x 21 = 42

        The rooms with the area ratio 4:3:2 are 84:63:42

        and check, 84+63+42 is 189

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        So just one more question, Where did you get the 21?

      • Gymbot Says:

        It’s X. We converted the written problem into a mathematical problem. Given the total area is 189 and there are three rooms that add up to that total square footage, and we know the rooms have relative sizes: 4 to 3 to 2

        We made the formula:

        189 = 4x + 3x + 2x

        Which is simplified to

        189 = 9x

        Then we solved for x

        X = 189/9

        189/9 = 21

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I’m gonna try this one more time and then you can just stop because I will NEVER get it but 21 is X ( Okay I get that) but how did you come to the conclusion X was 21?

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        If that question makes no sense just ignore me and thanks for attempting to explain this to me but it’s math so I doubt I will ever get it. It’s been at least 20 years since I took a math class and this new fungled math is just crazy.

      • Gymbot Says:

        I’m going to interpret your question two ways: why is x 21?

        When we solved for x, we had the equation 189 = 9 times x

        To solve for x we remove its cofactors (numbers that are multiplied, divided added against it), but we have to balance out the other side as well.

        So 189 divided by 9 = (9 times x) divided by 9

        189/9 = 9x/9

        But the 9s easily cancel out so we can rewrite it as:

        189/9 = x

        189/9 = 21, this x = 21

      • Gymbot Says:

        The second way I’m interpreting your question is philosophical. Why is X equal to 21?

        The answer comes from the original question about the room size and the relative size ratios of the room. We know that the rooms are 4:3:2 in size, and we know their total equals 189. We could guess at the size and then add the rooms together but that takes a long time.

        Instead you can solve for the base unit size. 4:3:2 is just a ratio and it can be written with different numbers, for example: 84:63:42 also is 4:3:2 ratio. So is 8:6:4 – the difference is the 4:3:2 ratio is multiplied by different factors (21 and 2, relatively). Since we know the total adds up to 189, we can create an equation that allows us to solve for the base unit size, a unit of room size that would equal 1 as in 4:3:2:1. I’m not saying there is a fourth room, but I am saying there is a unit of measurement that equals 1 and the snallest room is twice the size as that measurement. “X” is an abstract variable we are designating as the base unit size of the rooms, in the equations. This time x is the abstract base measurement of rooms.

      • Gymbot Says:

        I’m guessing it didn’t help? Here is a link to the math meme:

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        I think I got it but i don’t know. 21 is the lowest number that can be divided into those 3 numbers equally?

      • Gymbot Says:

        Yes 21 is a common denominator of the sizes of the three rooms, But to be more precise, 21, in this scenario, is the only common denominator of the three rooms whose total square footage is 189 and have relative sizes of 4 to 3 to 2.

      • Gymbot Says:

        The room sizes 84 63 and 42 (and even 21) have other common denominators: 7 and 3

      • Gymbot Says:

        Honestly I’m a little surprised the Netherlands didn’t send a sanne Wevers and another strong beam gymnast. They are eligible towards earning a nominative spot currently, but the spots are lost if they earn a berth at the 2019 Olympics. Same for Andrade, Saraiva, Nina and Alexa Moreno, if they compete in 2019 and Brazil Belgium and Mexico qualify teams their nominative spots are lost and go to the next person. Same for Bossu of France. I guess if it looks like they will earn a spot, their countries could risk not sending them with the team in 2019

  16. Gymbot Says:

    Amazing video detailing E and D deductions for the split ring elements.

    Seems the D downgrade only for insufficient arch and head release, the ring position gets heavily deducted but no D downgrade: -.1 for heel at head level -.3 for heel at shoulder.

  17. Rocío Martínez López Says:

    Brooklyn Moors commited to UCLA, but will defer until after Tokyo Olympics.

  18. Rocío Martínez López Says:

    Cottbus Cup this weekend! This Cup enters in the quals possibilities for the specialists. Highlights are Fan Yilin, Denisa Golgota and Rebeca Andrade. Jade is there, too, but well. Seems like a spot in the vault podium is the most wanted one, as Jade, Andrade and Dipa are there to snatch it.

    • Gymbot Says:

      Maybe this is why Fan Yilin wasn’t on the team.

      Kinda makes sense, China is usually weaker in the World Cup series.

      • Rocío Martínez López Says:

        I am not sure. China is an enigma in its own right. But it seems that they are opening up a little. I heard that the team is going to train sometime this year in other country and we are beginning to see more chinese in international competitions that aren’t the Asian Games or Worlds.

        You are right, it makes sense. China has a lot of good bar workers and they could easily win a specialist spot with Fan Yilin, It will be easier for her given that many of the UB specialists are already expected to go to Tokyo with their own teams and Russia hasn’t made up its mind (as far as I know) about trying to send Ilyankova or Spiri as specialists.

      • Gymbot Says:

        Spiridonova is in Cottbus and got her in bar elements back, so she may be aiming for a spot. Quite crazy if only one gymnast can go per event (4). Bars is a tight field

      • Rocío Martínez López Says:

        I just saw the whole list of participants. A lot of people is there, is going to be interesting. Akhaimova is there, too, and Germany presents a better team than in Worlds, to be honest. It could be a good chance for Spiri, because being just one event gymnasts she would have less options to make the team and if she definiterly has her inbar back, she can get the spot, especially if some of the especialist are going with the teams, like Nina, for example. It is going to be interesting. In any case, I don’t think that everybody who is going to Cottbus is aiming for an individual spot. Cottbus is a very popular world cup, although it seems more crowded this year than usual. Maybe some federations are going to test the new system first and keep open several options before deciding for one path.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Um, Vrariska and Adlertg are there, too. How interesting…we have to watch this World Cup!

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Holy shit and Nina and Bossu!

      • Gymbot Says:

        I think beam is the easiest field to score first place towards the Olympic qualifying portion of the series.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        I think so, too. And I think floor has also less competition. But UB and vault are packed nowadays.

    • imperatorcarolus Says:

      Andrade outscored Jade on vault at quals and Chuso got very close.It is going to be more interesting than I thought.

      • imperatorcarolus Says:

        Jade didn’t compete her Amanar. In Twitter it is said that she doesn’t have it back yet. I am at loss. When did she lost it?

  19. Rocío Martínez López Says:

    Larissa is back in the gym and expects to compete next year, thank fuck. It now made sense for Golgota to be competing in so many World Cups. If she qualifies as specialist (most probably on floor) and Romania isn’t able to qualify a whole team (more likely than not), they both will be able to go to Tokyo. But it would be horrible for Larissa to not be able to go to another Olympics because Romania chose Golgota before her. And if the time comes and Iordache doesn’t prove herself better than Golgota, they will. After all, Golgota is the best they have right now. But if one of them gets a specialist spot,they both can go. I don’t know in which shape Larissa will be in if she gets to Tokyo, but in the shape Romania is now, Larissa at her 65% of her former level will still get better scores than them except for Golgota.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      I wish Larisa the best of luck but I don’t see her staying healthy. I hope she proves me wrong.

      • Rocío Martínez López Says:

        I understand your concern. It is a valid fear. But she doesn’t have to stay healthy for the whole quad, just for less than a year if she comes back for Worlds next year until Tokyo. I think that is affordable. And if she is well enough, Golgota is her only realistic competition. And I suspect Romania is going to break her too, because she was injuried at Nationals, she pushed to get to Worlds and they are sending her to competitions already, as she is going to compete at Cottbus, I fear that they are going to break Golgota as they have done with other gymnasts in the past only because she is currently the only one who can get medals for Romanian gymnastics.

  20. Lucia Says:

    Is there a link to the UB results ?

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