Price wins in stuttgart

IG Magazine write up

Elizabeth Price


Every time I click on the bar link it turns into beam. It says bars but whatever. Maybe gymnastike will fix it or maybe it is my computer.


1. Elizabeth Price 6.5 15.733 6.4 14.933 5.5 13.166 5.9 14.266 58.098
2. Elisabeth Seitz 5.8 14.533 5.9 14.033 5.6 13.700 5.3 13.300 55.566
3. Giulia Steingruber 6.3 15.400 5.7 13.433 5.7 12.866 5.6 13.866 55.565
4. Kim Bui 5.4 13.966 6.1 14.033 5.2 13.600 5.3 13.566 55.165
5. Vanessa Ferrari 5.3 13.633 5.6 12.633 5.6 13.433 5.8 14.366 54.065
6. Rebecca Tunney 5.8 14.466 5.9 13.966 5.1 12.000 5.6 13.400 53.832
7. Kristina Goryunova 5.0 13.433 5.7 13.433 5.3 12.633 4.9 12.733 52.232
8. Niahm Rippin 5.3 13.800 5.0 11.766 5.2 12.133 5.4 12.366 50.065

33 Responses to “Price wins in stuttgart”

  1. sanitynmotion Says:

    I’m happy Germany is looking good too…

  2. tulip Says:

    Ferrari hanging in there. Good to see her out there competing

    And glad that Price is out already making a name for herself! Good call on her.coaches parts.

  3. Catherine Says:

    Lots of falls here in case people are wondering..Tunney fell on beam and had errors, Ferrari fell on her bars dismount, Goryunova fell twice I believe (not positive) and Niamh fell 3 times.

    This is making me reevaluate Price. I had thought that Biles and Priessman would out-power her and she would end up fading. But I take that back. Her brute power is insane…sky-high double double and double layout. She looks like she could do a full twisting DLO in her sleep and could easily pike or layout the double double. Bars just need form work. Beam needs quite a bit of form work. But so impressive! Oh and her choreo is still awful.

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      Her tumbling is amazing but her lack of presentation is typical Parkettes. Well I shouldn’t say that, she is better than the usual Kristen Maloney Parkette but she still needs work.

      • Case Says:

        Agree. I don’t care for Parkettes gymnastics but I can separate this gymnast and say she’s got the raw skills to make this quad interesting.

      • mim Says:

        i think id rather see ebee compete for AA at worlds than katelyn or lexie though! not sure if that’s going to be possible but it will certainly be an interesting year next year. she’s still got time to improve 🙂

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        There is no way Kaitlyn is not doing AA at worlds with Marta in control. Woga is so far up her ass its disgusting.

      • sanitynmotion Says:

        lol GTT way to say it. Totally true.

      • icemeltsfast Says:

        lol well, Ohashi won’t be doing AA or even just beam at world’s if Marta/WOGA forces her to crank out more scary DTY’s!

    • sainabou nyang Says:

      Cat I have to agree with you. I envisioned Ebee on her way to NCAA. But the Strausses have a lot of work with Ebee in terms of execution. Watching her do leaps and the lack of toe point kills me.

      This makes me now kind of change my prediction for scam. Perhaps ebee will Brough as a reserve like Gabby was.

      • sanitynmotion Says:

        If we were two years forward with Ebee (i.e., if it were 2014), I’d say she’s the next Aly Raisman.

    • sainabou nyang Says:

      Also was it me or did Tunney look absolutely terrified beforr her bar routine and vault?

  4. gingercrush Says:

    Hmm very nice work from Price but yes artisitically not pleasing. Floor is difficult though. I’d like to see even more work on bars which I maintain is their biggest weakest again this quad.

    Also am I the only one that thinks perhaps the Silivas (Double-Double) should have stayed a G skill and only the full Twisting Double Layout become a H skill.

  5. JAS4 Says:

    She has lots of potential she just needs some work on her form

  6. DL Says:

    Price on bars:

  7. exgymgurl Says:

    She is exactly the reason gymnasts need to be at camp. For whatever reason the Strauss machine chunks this out, and Mihai chunks out bad bar routines. Aly’s form improved dramatically probably because of camp feedback. Price will get there, she got nailed on beam, for a routine that she fought for and stayed on but one that had NUMEROUS form breaks. She does not have numbers yet to be fluid. Bars looked the same, it looked like she got up there and got nervous. This is the time to do that, not in three years. Better she makes the mistakes now and does well at the end of the quad if she is still around.

    • Biyatch Says:

      It appears her leaps/flexibility need a lot of work.

      Assuming she wins next week as well (and I can’t see her not seeing as she was so dominate in spite of a shaky beam routine and issues on her floor dismount) she would end the year with the most points in the world cup standings. I wonder if she’s going to take the purses or retain NCAA eligibility. Given the timing keeping the NCAA option would probably be advisable.

      I can’t wait for the 2013 drama to unfold. So many of the hyped juniors turn senior this year and between that and a bunch from the previous quad continuing it is going to be cut throat to make 2013 Worlds. That doesn’t even account for if any of the fierce five (aside from kyla) get back in the gym. It’ll be interesting to see who adapts /scores the best in the new code.

      I kind of wish they didn’t use of the Olympic leos in other meets. Especially the one Ebee is wearing (w/o “Olympic lighting” the sparkles are kind of offensive.)

      • sainabou nyang Says:

        I can’t wait for all the drama, overscoring, overhype etc… GTT you will be busy in the new year. I sense many good blogs coming. Lol

        The F5 won’t even look the same. They’ll be taller and a little heavier from not training.

      • sanitynmotion Says:

        I actually thought the Fierce Five looked decent for being out of it for so long. McKayla has lost a lot of muscle but she can get that back. Jordyn actually looks like she’s gained the most weight, but it’s in her favor. I don’t think she’s coming back anyways. Same with Aly. Kyla looks great/same as she did at the Olympics and actually Gabby looks almost the same as well.

        I will be interested to see if McKayla or even Gabby come back. I’d like to see Gabby get a taste of “disappointment” – you know, to see if she learned how to deal with it or whatever that crap was that came out of her mouth.

      • mim Says:

        i agree sanity. i think the fierce 5 look good too considering the tour. gabby and mckayla (luckily) have a small build, so building muscle is doable if they want to train again but they essentially don’t look that different. if anyone has to worry about growing taller it’s kyla, but she looks the same too. aly actually still looks small, only jordyn stood out to me as looking bigger but not much bigger.

  8. Kelley Lynskey (@Meatless_Ball29) Says:

    In other news apparently this has become a thing, hopefully no Gymnast especially the Chinese will never find out about this one! I mean could you imagine…

  9. Kelley Lynskey (@Meatless_Ball29) Says:

    Sorry heres the right link

  10. exgymgurl Says:

    Apparently McKayla Maroney was back filming heart of dixie again, at least acc to her twitter instagram pics earlier. Funny…

  11. Catherine Says:

    Russia have won. Mustafina had to step up and vault (Y layout) because Rodionova was injured (apparently, no real news)..she scored a 4.8 on bars after she fell on her pak and cried and didn’t finish. Poor girl, hope it’s not serious. Japan finished second.

    • sanitynmotion Says:

      Oh no – was Musty injured or she just have a bad go around on bars?

      • catherine Says:

        Sorry that was unclear…that was Rodionova that happened to. As a result, Musty had to vault. She scored 14.4 on bars. 3 up, 2 count so they were able to drop Rodionova’s 4.8 on bars and Musty’s 12.9 on vault.

  12. sanitynmotion Says:

    If Parkettes were smart they’d be training Price on a second vault, like pronto. Then she can potentially be the McKayla Moroney of 2016.

    • mim Says:

      she’ll be fighting simone b for the the vault queen title if she does! or mckayla if she trains again. vault is definitely up for grabs.. it will definitely be an exciting apparatus to follow for the US girls.

  13. exgymgurl Says:

    Simone Biles could always get hurt, or something. I think it would be smart as well. Two vaults can’t hurt especially if you are in a situation where an amanar becomes undoable, or if ebee grows. McKayla Maroney will not be an olympian in 2016. She was barely an olympian in 2012. I can’t see her resuming training, because she actually will probably have some success acting.

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