2013 US Nationals Podium Training: Juniors (Wednesday)

We’re not in Kansas anymore baby. Yep I had to say it:)

Please use the other thread for tonight’s senior podium training. This thread is for Wednesdays. There is no way in hell I will be up to watch it so I will add a video later. You can add the senior podium training here too because I won’t be up for that either. I’ll start a blog for that tomorrow.

What did you think?

This page from USA-gymnastics has all the info you will need for tomorrows live podium training.


I am not approving new people for the blog unless you follow new rules. Too many trolls and I like the group we have.

So if you want to be approved you can send me an e-mail at the_real_gymtruthteller@yahoo.com I’ll send you the rules you will need to follow. Please be patient because sometimes it takes me awhile to respond. I KNOW this is ridiculous for me to be doing but I am trying to keep the peace here. This is just a blog and I don’t want you to think I am trying to be elitist because I would love to approve everyone for the sake of peace I just can’t do that.

27 Responses to “2013 US Nationals Podium Training: Juniors (Wednesday)”

  1. JAS4 Says:

    I think that’s a good idea to keep out people who are just looking to cause trouble! I know you’re not on twitter any more but I am wondering how many tweets there will be this weekend asking where Shawn&Nastia are lol!

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      All I am asking is that if you want to post you prove who you are (like show me your facebook) yet apparently no one has those anymore because the 3 conversations I have all claim they don’t have facebook.l Please, everyone has a facbook.lol

      Give me an e-mail that connects to a facebook and I’ll let you post. Is that too much to ask? NO

      • JAS4 Says:

        Most everyone has a fb or some social networking site like twitter/tumblr or maybe even an old MySpace account lol! It seems like a reasonable request to me if they aren’t looking to cause trouble no need to hide lol! It’s not like you are asking them to show you their passport or something just a fb lol

      • Brouhaha Says:

        Do we need to email you if we’ve been around for awhile? (I’m assuming I’m approved ……)

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        This is for new people only

      • Kylie Says:

        I call bullshit on that!!! Even my Dad has facebook!

      • gymtruthteller Says:

        Hence why I cannot allow these people to post.lol

      • Short1 Says:

        I think it’s reasonable…it’s not like they’re being asked to provide a bunch of personal info, just enough so you (hopefully) know who you’re talking to/letting post.

      • exgymgurl Says:

        Thats right. Only men cheating on their wives and liars tell you they dont have facebook….. Oh thats right cheaters are liars.

    • Tortuga Says:

      I’m sure there will be a lot of ten year old girls asking where Gabby is and why she isn’t competing. The younger girls probably don’t even remember Shawn and Nastia anymore lol.

    • Tortuga Says:

      And they have started! This is copied and pasted form USAG’s facebook:
      “Where are all the big stars? Ohashi? Douglas? Wieber?”
      Gee, I guess Ross, Maroney and Biles aren’t big names at all.

      • mimi Says:

        and gosh forbid if they are so bemused by that they google to find out why.

        (ok im being a bit hypocritical there – ive asked questions on this blog a lot that I could have googled…. but whatever those “fans” are still annoying lol).

  2. biyatch Says:

    The pink trend just wont die.

  3. Akshay Says:

    Click to access PG13StartList_W_SR_Day1.pdf

    Apparently Lexie is not on the competition order? Her status is uncertain as she is possibly injured.

    MLT does it again.

  4. katecoursey Says:

    Lexie’s out with an Achilles injury….damn. Too bad, I was actually looking forward to seeing her after Classics.

  5. biyatch Says:

    Price killed podium training. If they put her in the AA, I can see her coming out ahead of everyone.

    • Tortuga Says:

      That would be soo awesome for her. We need someone to give Simone a run for her money. Like we’ve said if Simone hits she wins, but if Ebee is strong it will make things interesting between the two of them and Kyla.

    • Case Says:

      Missed it. Is Ebee back at full strength and completely healthy?

  6. biyatch Says:

    Apparently McKayla is sticking with floor and vault only. Even though there were those on the gymternet who swore up and down that she was going to be a huge AA threat this year. (snort)

  7. allie Says:

    Did I hear that Ohashi is going to make an appearance on beam? Or is that not the case?

    • gymtruthteller Says:

      No. She was sitting in the crowd watching today. She is not on the start list. Rumor is she might petition to Worlds camp where she will get the Woga free pass to worlds even when she falls 5 times that all Wogaette’s seem to get.

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